Contact Information
- Mobile numbers are Genuine & Verified
- phone_iphone Mobile : 797****050
- phone_iphone Mobile : 962****606
- phone_iphone Whatsapp : 962****606
- Address - ****************
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About Mohankumar
Basic Information
- account_circle Age - 32 yrs, 9 months
- cake Dob - 18 March 1992
- supervisor_account Marital Status - Unmarried
- room Bangalore , Karnataka
Religious Information
- public Religion - Hindu
- assistant_photo Caste - Kuruba
- brightness_4 Zodiac sign - Simha (Leo)
- tonality Mangalik - No
Personal Details & life style
- record_voice_over Mother Tongue - Kannada
- arrow_upward Height - 5ft 4in
- brightness_1 Weight - 58 kg
- palette Colour tone - Wheatish brown
- fitness_center Body Type - Average
- invert_colors Blood Group - A+
- restaurant Diet - Occasionally Non-Veg
- smoking_rooms Smoking - No
- local_bar Drinking - No
Education & Career
- school Education : BCom
- work Occupation : Other
- account_balance_wallet Annual Income - 2 lakh - 3 lakh
About Me
- Softhearted, neurodiverse, and never outgrew my ego phase.
I’m a creative in a risky industry, and I’m trying to figure out how or whether that can be reconciled with my career.
I value the comfort of routine but often year for spontaneity and adventure. I want to travel, live and love widely but also seek deep understanding and familiarity.”
My Expectations
- I am looking for a down-to-earth and open-minded person who appreciates the need to keep pace with changing times without forgetting our roots. The girl should be good at managing the home and if possible can have a professional career. She must have a strong inclination for moral values and ethics.