Contact Information
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- phone_iphone Mobile : 776****664
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About Avianash
Basic Information
- account_circle Age - 32 yrs, 11 months
- cake Dob - 15 January 1992
- supervisor_account Marital Status - Unmarried
- room Chandrapur , Maharashtra
Religious Information
- public Religion - Hindu
- assistant_photo Caste - Kunbi
- flag Subcaste - Khaire
- brightness_4 Zodiac sign - Mesh (Aries)
- tonality Mangalik - No
Personal Details & life style
- record_voice_over Mother Tongue - Marathi
- arrow_upward Height - 5ft 8in
- brightness_1 Weight - 65 kg
- palette Colour tone - Wheatish
- fitness_center Body Type - Average
- invert_colors Blood Group - O+
- restaurant Diet - Occasionally Non-Veg
- smoking_rooms Smoking - No
- local_bar Drinking - No
Education & Career
- school Education : BA
- work Occupation : Social Worker
- account_balance_wallet Annual Income - No income
About Me
- Hi, i am avinash i have been completed BA. now i gave iti electrician exam .Iam Unemployed .i do not a job anymore. i am looking for a job girl will be take care me and my family..she need to be worked whether it is privet or gaurment secoter ,both she will work .even if it is shiny in color because ian not fair ..but just a bit wiser
My Expectations
- its not that nice , its working and it a girl wants to be blonde and black..and the carefree house should be handled..if you want to work then any job is privet and should be employed in government secotier