Contact Information
- Mobile numbers are Genuine & Verified
- phone_iphone Mobile : 955****225
- phone_iphone Mobile : 942****258
- phone_iphone Whatsapp : 955****225
- Address - ****************
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About Suhas
Basic Information
- account_circle Age - 56 yrs,
- cake Dob - 29 November 1968
- supervisor_account Marital Status - Unmarried
- room Ratnagiri , Maharashtra
Religious Information
- public Religion - Hindu
- assistant_photo Caste - Brahmin
- flag Subcaste - Kokanstha
- brightness_4 Zodiac sign - Meen (Pisces)
- tonality Mangalik - No
Personal Details & life style
- record_voice_over Mother Tongue - Marathi
- arrow_upward Height - 5ft 3in
- brightness_1 Weight - 60 kg
- palette Colour tone - Wheatish
- fitness_center Body Type - Average
- invert_colors Blood Group - O+
- restaurant Diet - Pure veg
- smoking_rooms Smoking - No
- local_bar Drinking - No
Education & Career
- school Education : BCom
- work Occupation : Accountant
- account_balance_wallet Annual Income - 2 lakh - 3 lakh
About Me
- I Suhas Dandekar working with Shri Enterprises an accounts clerk.Since 4 /5 years.In Ratnagiri city having common 10 guntha NA land with Residential house 6/7 mango trees 5 coconut trees and other fruit trees and open well.I am staying singly.
my elder brother stay in pune who is married n retired frim bank another brother who is no more and his family stayed seperately in Ratnagiri
sisters married. No any dependent on me
horoscope details
birthdate 29.11.1968
birth time 01.25 pm
rashi meen
gan manushya
nakshtra uttara bhadrapda
nadi madhya
My Expectations
- my partners expection
she should be passed minimum 12th HSC or graduate in any discipline or deploma n computure knowledge