Contact Information
- Mobile numbers are Genuine & Verified
- phone_iphone Mobile : 801****513
- phone_iphone Mobile : 997****700
- phone_iphone Whatsapp : 801****513
- Address - ****************
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About Yogesh
Basic Information
- account_circle Age - 28 yrs, 9 months
- cake Dob - 04 March 1996
- supervisor_account Marital Status - Unmarried
- room Satara , Maharashtra
Religious Information
- public Religion - Hindu
- assistant_photo Caste - Maratha
- brightness_4 Zodiac sign - Simha (Leo)
- tonality Mangalik - No
Personal Details & life style
- record_voice_over Mother Tongue - Marathi
- arrow_upward Height - 5ft 5in
- brightness_1 Weight - 65 kg
- palette Colour tone - Fair
- fitness_center Body Type - Average
- invert_colors Blood Group - O+
- restaurant Diet - Eggeterian
- smoking_rooms Smoking - No
- local_bar Drinking - No
Education & Career
- school Education : BA
- work Occupation : Executive
- account_balance_wallet Annual Income - 2 lakh - 3 lakh
About Me
- I come from an upper middle class family. The most important thing in my life is religious believes, moral values & respect for elders. I am modern thinker but also believe in good values given by our ancestors. I love trekking, going on trips with friends, listening to classical music & watching latest movies
My Expectations
- Open communication and sincere listening to each other – which can easily fail if there isn’t an effort to continually work on it. This includes discussing each other’s thoughts and needs and hopes for the future they share or have individually.